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The Bench Wizard™ PXGraph™ Merlin3200™ Excalibur™

Plotting and Analysis

"Data sets organized in a tree view combined with a paged graph structure, provide a quick and easy drag-and-drop interface for plotting data."

PXGraph™ features:


Data Tree: PXGraph™ contains a tree structure for organizing data sets. This tree structure allows quick access to variables from multiple data sets. Mouse operations on the tree structure can cause individual data sets or groups of data sets to be loaded and reloaded. When data sets are reloaded, all graphs containing references to the previous data sets are updated automatically. For over-plotting data, the tree structure allows mouse operations that cause lines drawn from entire data sets to be quickly hidden and reshown.


Figures: Figures can contain single or multiple graphs.


Graphs: Graphs have the following features:

Multiple Plots- Graphs can have multiple plots.

Multiple Y Axes- Graphs can have multiple Y-axes.

X vs Time Plot- Graphs can be used to plot Y data against time.

X vs Y Plot- Graphs can be used to plot Y data against X data.

Legends- Graphs can have legends.

Title- Graphs can have titles.

Labels-All X and Y axes can have labels.

Linking- Cursor placement, panning, and zooming can be synchronized in all graphs.

Pointing Tool: A pointing tool is provided for examining individual data points on a plot.

Zoom/Pan Tool: Zooming and panning tools are provided for magnifying regions and scrolling the X and Y axes of a graph.

Cursor Tool: Cursors are sliding objects that represent time slices through multiple plots. Cursors can be positioned individually or simultaneously with the mouse, keyboard, or at a specified time.


Virtual Variables: New variables can be created by combining existing variables in user-defined mathematical expressions which are evaluated by a built-in complex expression evaluator. The list of functions available for use when defining virtual variables can be expanded with DLL libraries of functions written by users. The list of available functions can also be expanded with functions generated by the Simulink code generator.


Hot Keys: PXGraph™ has been optimized for situations requiring no mouse support. Virtually all of PXGraph's functionality can be accessed with hot keys.


Projects/Templates: In order to facilitate graph reconfiguration, PXGraph™ provides a mechanism for saving the current configuration of the figures. This feature is important in situations where the user is always using the same data set format, but uses different graphs for viewing the data.


Importing: PXGraph™ has a flexible mechanism for importing a variety of data formats.


Scripting: All internal functionality is exposed with an ActiveX interface. The scripting interface allows data sets to be graphed automatically. MATLAB® and Python interface libraries are provided with PXGraph.


Error/Exception Logger: In order to provide the best support possible, PXGraph™ incorporates an integrated error and exception handler.


PXGraph™ is an extremely powerful program for quickly plotting and analyzing data. It's many time saving features have been optimized for tasks that Automotive Engineers require most. PXGraph™ has a data tree view for organizing and viewing multiple data sets. A drag and drop interface makes plotting variables from the data tree quick and easy. Once graphs have been configured, data sets can be reloaded for regression and trend analysis. PXGraph's unique synchronization feature allows cursors, panning, and zooming to simultaneously update in all selected graphs.

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